To be good favourably!
P a v e l     T s y g a n k o v
Methods of old russian medicine and massage will cure your heart, a backbone, easy, kidneys, a liver, a pancreas, bilious bubble, sexual system, legs, hands, will help to cope with a pain in a head

Professional medical massage

Massage and treatment of joints

Massage method

E-mail for Pavel Tsygankov

Professional medical massage
Hello! My name is Tsygankov Pavel P. I am a masseur and I have been practicing massage and healing for more than 20 years. Now I am a doctor-masseur of the Football Federation of Invalids of Russia (FFIR). I have practiced many techniques. At present I practice special technique of manual therapy and massage with some elements of Russian or Old Slavic medicine. This hasn't had any analogues to these days. I believe that this technique is more efficient for European person than other oriental massages as we have another way of thinking, another physical development. Man was created by the Most High as a perfect being physically and mentally, but far not everyone can use his abilities nowadays. I can help you to recover your health by methods of Old Russian medicine, acupressure, manual therapy of spine, healing and medicinal techniques, massage for Seniors, anticellulitis programs.

Phone number in Moscow: +7(095) 542-19-66

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